CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Fall CleanupsFall Clean up Updates N' Map Page

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Fall clean up (GENERAL UPDATE) 

CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Minnetonka, Eden Prairie - Section divider
The information below is from the 2024 fall season.
We will leave this posted (for reference purposes) until we get closer to fall clean ups for 2025.  Thank you!


**final update for the “long” fall season we had:

The very late October/November and into December fall clean-up period was very difficult for operations this season. It felt like it went on forever, and realistically, it did, but all due to bad weather off and on for the entire period, with a couple longer delays. We want to first of all thank our very patient customers this season. This happens. Bad weather or bouts of bad weather do happen during the fall season, and we only can live with it and deal with it while putting in 100% effort. The other tricky thing about this fall was how the leaves fell. We talked to many customers and it seems we are all on the same page of how weird trees dropped leaves and how slow they fell for the most part this season. Some trees that usually drop early, dropped later, and some trees that usually drop later, dropped earlier. This also made it very difficult on us, your service provider, because it seemed when we did get done with a particular fall clean up, the property would be dirty with leaves again within a few days. It is just what the trees decided to do this season (not CNR), and there was nothing we could do about it. The rate trees lose their leaves in the fall has nothing to do with how we complete our operations. We cannot wait until the end to get 14-17 days of clean-ups done. C N’R and friends in business always start later October and trying and get through all customers at least one time by the time Thanksgiving hits. We technically accomplished this for this particular season, but also Thanksgiving was really late this year.

To give you a quick idea on how the timeline looked this fall season, we will list it here:
10/29 & 10/30: Started to do some clean-ups although plenty of trees still had leaves up
10/31 (Halloween): snow, shut down until 11/7.
11/8 -11/12: able to work full days, but it was very windy at times
11/13: shut down early due to rain
11/14 - 11/17: able to work, but very slow going and very wet and it was not drying out
11/18: shut down early, heavier rain moved in
11/19: shut down first half of day, did some work during afternoon, but still super wet
11/20: snow showers most of day - tried to do some work in the afternoon, but was not good conditions
11/21: coating of snow on ground, did some work, but again, conditions with snow on ground to work in
11/22-11/27: able to work full days, but the conditions were not good to start with, but slowly improved over time.
11/28-12/1: C N’R OFF due to the holiday, all “first round” clean-ups were finally done.
Week of 12/2 was a rough week. We did get back out a bit, but we had 2 small snow events.
Week of 12/9: able to get out and get enough “2nd round” clean up work done before brutally cold and snowier conditions moved in
As you can see, very choppy, very frustrating. But, in the end we feel we did the best possible job on all properties. There were a handful of great customers that we were trying to get back to, but ran out of time, and those customers were personally emailed by C N’R, because communication is #1!

Again, thank you so much for your business and patience this fall season! We will see you in the spring of 2025!

CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Minnetonka, Eden Prairie - Section divider
Fall Gutter Cleaning LATEST UPDATE


This will be the final update of the season for gutter cleaning. We have been keeping you posted right here on our plans for gutter cleaning, but due to many weather complications through the month of November, we were not able to finish all gutter cleaning jobs. At the time of this update, everything is frozen and/or there is snow/frost on roofs, and we deeply apologize we were not able to finish this service this season.

Is this unusual? No, it does happen. We try not to complete gutter cleaning jobs too early to prevent later falling leaves from plugging them right away again. And when our first little snowfall fell on Halloween, we were shut down for a week, and thereafter the weather was up and down and we just could not get all jobs done. We have been holding onto hope until now and again, things are just too frozen to continue to think we can get this service completed.

All customers have been notified via email. We recommend re-signing up for fall gutter cleaning next spring (spring of 2025) and we can get this service caught up for you.

Thank you for your patience.

  CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Minnetonka, Eden Prairie - Section divider
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES (businesses, apartment, town-homes, etc)


All properties that fall in this category have been completed this season. Our plan is to “touch up” a couple properties that have had enough late fallen leaves for a “2nd round” clean up during the week of December 2nd. If you have further questions, please EMAIL CRAIG.

CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Minnetonka, Eden Prairie - Section divider
  Fall Clean Map - Click on your location (map) for the latest update!

CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Fall Clean Map

Zone Updates

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CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Fall Clean up

Note: Each year, C N’R switches the order of the zones, therefore each year, there is a new zone that is first, and there is a new zone that is last.

CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Minnetonka, Eden Prairie - Section divider
Cleanup History
  2024 Start Date 10/29 NOTES:
- it was a very choppy fall season with weather, made it last longer than normal
- had several bouts of snow/ice
- had several bouts of rain
- had many very wet days or days to work in the snow
- Thanksgiving was late this season, still did get “first round” clean ups done by then
2024 End Date 1st round = November 27 2nd round = December 10  
2023 Start Date October 31st NOTES:
- late Sept/early Oct - leaves started to fall fast due to drought shedding.
- received perhaps 2+ months of rain late Sept/early Oct
- leaves stop dropping mid-Oct-ish, coloring slowed due to heavy rains
- Friday, 10/20 - still not even 50% leaves down.
- Week of 10/23 - leaves finally started falling more aggressively. Plenty of color still, but plenty of green leaves still up as well.
- 10/31 - 2” of snow coated the ground, stayrf cold after with slow snow melt.
- 11/3 - snow was melted enough to start back up
- week of 11/6 & week of 11/13 = nice weather, got a lot done
- week of 11/20 - short 3 day week before Thanksgiving, a success with 2nd round clean up work
- week of 11/27 - finalized all 2nd round clean up work
2023 End Date 1st round = November 17
2nd round = December 1
2022 Start Date October 31st NOTES:
- Due to summer drought, a chunk of leaves fell very early. Seemed like a lot but was not even close to “all” leaves
- week of 11/24, enough leaves were down to start completing some “early” cleaning up…about 70-80% leaves down
- 10/31 was our official start of “final” clean ups
- things were going rather smooth until about 11/5 and on when weather caused problems with drizzle, big winds, and cold air freezing things
- progress was weak during the week of 11/7 due to weather
- 11/14 it snowed a couple inches, had to plow as well
- waited for warm trend which did not happen until around Thanksgiving
- Finally able to get back out 11/28 with some snow on the ground, but not alot
- Season ending snow storm on 11/29
- We were unable to get through all fall clean ups 1x through
2022 End Date November 29th  
2021 Start Date November 1st NOTES:  Leaves were at least 1 week behind schedule in falling from trees this year
“first round” completed 11/22
“second round” completed 12/3
Wet weather delay 11/10-11/12
Coating of snow delay 11/14-11/15
Extreme wind 11/16-11/20
2021 End Date December 3rd  
2020 Start Date October 29th NOTES: Technically started October 29th, but not “full-go” until 11/2.
- historic snowfall on 10/20, delayed our start
- started “full-go” 11/2
- had basically 5-6 days to get gutter cleaning done, then it froze
- a second snowfall on 11/20, delayed us again
- re-started again on 11/19, not ideal working conditions to start
- finished on 12/1, some second rounds until 12/3
2020 End Date December 3rd
2019 Start Date October 25th NOTES: First full week was pretty nice, then weather conflicts arrived...
- record cold outbreak hit for the first half of November
- some weather delays with rain/ice/snow
- all clean ups were finished one-time through by November 19th
- gutters froze early, but thankfully we got them done just before (mostly)
- thaw came second half of November
- last day November 25th - snowed out thereafter
2019 End Date November 25th
2018 Start Date October 23rd NOTES: Started pretty well early as a large chunk of leaves fell soon enough and cooperated enough with us
- once we got going, we were going pretty strong, but short lived.
- Top ten coldest November combined with snow, frozen conditions made for a very choppy november.
- First snow to stay and shut us down was November 28th
2018 End Date November 28th
2017 Start Date October 23rd  
2017 End Date December 2nd NOTES:
- Started at our earliest time every to get ahead of the game
- Weather was in and out of frozen between the week of October 23rd through the middle of November.
- Progress was weak because there were many weather wrinkles
- We did have some early October snow as well, which is not unusual at all, but when this does happen, it slows us down tremendously.
- In the end, the timing of getting all fall cleans done this season was not favorable, but we did get them all done eventually.
- First snow to stay arrived December 4th
2016 Start Date October 27th
2016 End Date December 7th NOTES:
- Although 10/27 was the official start date, we did not have all crews out until 10/31
- Leaves fell pretty nicely and on-time EXCEPT for Maple Trees. For some reason, Maple Trees hung on way too long (probably the wet summer caused this)
- First 2 weeks of November were unbelievably warm! -
- After the first 2 weeks, it became bumpy with rain/thunderstorms/snow/sleet/drizzle, etc. This made for our “official” ending date to be way late this year because we just could not get a good enough streak after the middle of November to just finish up.
2015 Start Date October 30th
2015 End Date November 24th A day after we started, we were shut down from a large storm. Really were not getting much done until 11/2 - leaves hung up - late start..
-Warm fall!
- several larger rain/wind storms (long durations).
- Lost about 7-10 days total of work from the long duration rain/wind storms
2014 Start Date October 29th Mother nature did not cooperate this year.  We started after the leaves fell off (they fell in two batches around 10/18 and 10/28).  The fall clean season was windy, rainy and finally snow filled.  As a result of the snow that stayed after November 9th the cleanup season was cut short. 
2014 End Date November 9th (see notes)
2013 Start Date October 27th
2013 End Date November 27th (1st Round)December 2nd (2nd round closure) A bit of a late start this year: 50% of the leaves  fell while the other 50% were just starting to change a result the stubborn leaves and a late start, combined with several bouts of snow, wind and rain made for a difficult season.
2012 Start Date October 22nd Our earliest start ever!
2012 End Date November 21st (1st Round)
December 4th (2nd Round)
 Weather? We had it all from rain/snow/freezing through out the clean up process which made it the latest completion date ever, but ironically it was the earliest start ever...
2011 Start Date October 27th
2011 End Date November 10th (1st Round)
November 30th (2nd Round)
Note - Big chunk of leaves fell mid-October, then the rest of the leaves took their time falling and they were very late in falling. Some trees had hardly any leaves down by 11/10, which is very late. Snow held off, first snow of 1.5" fell on 11/19. over Thanksgiving break, all snow melted, then we got back out to complete all 2nd round clean ups. Fall weather was pretty darn good.
2010 Start Date October 23rd (1st Round)
November 8th (2nd Round)
2010 End Date November 17th (1st Round
November 21st (2nd Round)
Note - Leaves fell very early (by about a week), but there were a set of leaves that did not fall early that trickled down during our clean up process...while in progress of second round cleanups, a snowstorm shut us down Nov 13 (10" snow).
2009 Start Date November 1st
2009 End Date November 23rd Note - Record October precipitation including 3-4" of snow in total led to leaves staying up on the trees longer than usual; about a week longer. At the end of October the leaves dropped in mass.
2008 Start Date October 28th (1st Round)
November 17th (2nd Round)
2008 End Date November 17th (1st Round)
November 21st (2nd Round)
Note - Started out with 9 straight days - then 3 day Rain/Snow/Wind event, and from this point and on, had to deal with either wet and/or frozen conditions (tough environment) - then 3 days in a row of more clean ups, then another 2 day rain/snow delay - then 7 days in a row to finish first round and second round clean ups during this time frame
2007 Start Date October 29th
2007 End Date November 9th (1st Round)
November 21st (2nd Round)
Note - Although conditions were windier than normal fall seasons, we had a good stretch of dry weather and did not have any threats of snow.
KEY NOTE: Leaves fell about 1 week late
2006 Start Date October 24th
2006 End Date November 8th (1st Round)
November 16th (2nd Round)
Note - A very similar fall as to last season. Temperatures were cooler than last season and we did dodge a major winter storm on November 7th.
KEY NOTE: Leaves fell about 1 week early.
2005 Start Date October 27th
2005 End Date November 11th Note - Weather cooperated - Above normal temps, dry and very few days with wind.
2004 Start Date October 28th
2004 End Date November 12th Note: 2+ inches of rain fell in October causing delays in the final completion date. C N' R fought through the heavy wet leaves to complete all cleanups before the snow flew!
2003 Start Date October 25th
2003 End Date November 10th Note - Leaves dropped on time, but 2" of snow in early November caused a delay
2002 Start Date November 3rd
2002 End Date November 22nd Note - Leaves did not cooperate well - leaves hung up for a long period of time - but fortunately the weather cooperated
2001 Start Date October 26th
2001 End Date November 6th