CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Spring Clean Updates

CN'R Lawn N' Landscape Weekly MowingFertilization N' Weed Control Updates

CN'R Lawn N' Landscape - Lawn FertilizerLatest Update


A couple of important applications are coming.

“Spring Green-Up” - this is an optional application you can sign up for that we plan to get done late March or early April. This is to give your lawn a “super-charge” start to the season. Great application to have done!

“Pre-emergent” - this is especially going to be important coming during the month of April. This is the 1st application of our service program which includes NEW crabgrass seed prevention. Please do not get this mixed up with a “post-emergent” application that can be applied to existing weeds. The “pre-emergent” does not do anything for existing roots of weeds. It only helps prevent new seeds from forming and needs to get applied prior to ground temperatures getting too high.

In the end, if you are a current customer that has not submitted your service forms yet for the upcoming 2025 season, please do so as soon as possible. Just so you do not miss out on any early season important applications.

If you are a new customer, we would love to offer you pricing! Please go to our FREE ESTIMATES page and submit your request and we will get you some numbers as soon as we can.

We look forward to spring!

Past Updates


A couple of important applications are coming.

“Spring Green-Up” - this is an optional application you can sign up for that we plan to get done late March or early April. This is to give your lawn a “super-charge” start to the season. Great application to have done!

“Pre-emergent” - this is especially going to be important coming during the month of April. This is the 1st application of our service program which includes NEW crabgrass seed prevention. Please do not get this mixed up with a “post-emergent” application that can be applied to existing weeds. The “pre-emergent” does not do anything for existing roots of weeds. It only helps prevent new seeds from forming and needs to get applied prior to ground temperatures getting too high.

In the end, if you are a current customer that has not submitted your service forms yet for the upcoming 2025 season, please do so as soon as possible. Just so you do not miss out on any early season important applications.

If you are a new customer, we would love to offer you pricing! Please go to our FREE ESTIMATES page and submit your request and we will get you some numbers as soon as we can.

We look forward to spring!